Learn how to Fly Fish on the river for FREE!
If you are interested in learning how to fly fish for trout on the Teign, this might be just for you!
The Upper Teign Fishing Association will be doing a 2 hour introduction to Trout fishing on the river on Satuarday the 18th of May at 10am meeting at Fingle bridge
Topics covered will include a look at insect life in the river that fish and other animals feed on, artificial flies and how we make them, an introduction to the fishing methods used and when to fish them.
If you are an angler who has recently taken up fly fishing on rivers and would like to improve or learn some new skills, or if you are a reservoir trout angler thinking of fishing on rivers, this event may also be for you
For many years the numbers of Salmon in the River Teign and its tributaries have been in very serious decline. Salmon numbers are an indicator of the health of a river and its ability to support not only salmon but other fish and creatures that live in and alongside the river, such as otters, kingfishers, dragonflies and many mammal species.
For further information and to book a place please contact Harry Chance at membershipsecretaryutfa@gmail.com